ECE 301 (001) Linear Systems

Time & Location: MW 4:30–5:45 PM, Online Synchronized

Instructor: Dr. Chau-Wai Wong

Teaching Assistants: Ms. Jisoo Choi & Ms. Shweta Meena

Discussion Forum: ECE 301 on Piazza

Homework submission (due before class): Gradescope (or access it via Moodle)

Office hours: Thursday 4:30–5:30 PM (Wong), Sunday 2–3 PM (Wong); Monday 1–3 PM (Meena/Choi)

Course Description: This course covers the fundamental concepts in signal processing, with a focus on linear time-invariant systems. Signal processing has found its applications in many disciplines such as communications, controls, machine learning, bioengineering, security/privacy, and circuits. Having a good grasp of both intuitions and mathematics of signal processing theories can greatly benefit a student’s future role as an engineer.

Topics: Characterization of continuous- and discrete-time systems, sampling theorem, Fourier transforms, Laplace transform, and z-transform. In the Spring 2021 offering, we will also cover basic machine learning tools such as the principal component analysis (PCA), the linear regression, and the convolutional neural network (CNN).

Prerequisites: ECE 211 and ECE 220.

Followup ECE courses: 421 (Signal Processing); 402 (Communications); 407 & 470 (Computer Networking); 308 & 436 (Controls); 456 (Mechatronics); 451 (Power System); 492-45 (Machine Learning)

Course structure & Grading: The course consists of two 75-minute real-time Zoom lectures per week. There will be weekly homework assignments (40%) that contains both written problems and programming problems, two midterm exams (2*20%), and one final project (20%). Programming will be in Matlab, and optionally, in Python or R.

Textbooks: [OW] A. V. Oppenheim and A. S. Willsky, Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition.

Reference Books:

Some scanned sections/chapters of the books listed above can be found at NC State Course Reserves.

Course Syllabus for ECE 301 Section 001

Class # Date Topic Lecture notes Videos Meeting time Reading Assignment HW Assignment
1 1/20 Intro, Math review Slides Zoom 4:30 pm VT Ch4; 1.2.3–4;
1.5.2; 1.6; 1.8;
HW1 (due 1/27)
2 1/25 Math review (cont'd) Zoom 4:30 pm
3 1/27 CT & DT signals; Complex exp; Impulse & step Slides Ch1 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 1.1–4 HW2 (due 2/3)
4 2/1 System examples & simple system properties Zoom 4:30 pm OW 1.5–6
5 2/3 Stability, time-invariance Zoom 4:30 pm OW 1.6 HW3 (due 2/11)
6 2/8 Linearity, DT system response Slides Ch2 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 2.1
7 2/10 DT convolution Zoom 4:30 pm OW 2.2 HW4 (due 2/17)
8 2/15 DT convolution (cont'd) Zoom 4:30 pm
9 2/17 CT convolution, properties Slides Ch2 p2 Zoom 4:30 pm HW5 (due 2/24)
10 2/22 Address HW questions; LTI properties [Part1], Zoom 4:30 pm OW2.3
11 2/24 Linear algebra review; vector space Slides ML p1 Zoom 4:30 pm VT Ch5–6;
Scheffe App 1
12 3/1 Midterm 1 (exam paper) Zoom 4:30 pm HW6 (due 3/8)
13 3/3 Eigenanalysis; PCA Slides ML p2 Zoom 4:30 pm ISLR 10.2,
Murphy 12.2
14 3/8 PCA (cont'd); linear regression Slides ML p3 Zoom 4:30 pm Scheffe Ch1 HW7 (due 3/15)
Matlab code
15 3/10 Linear regression (cont'd); CNN Zoom 4:30 pm DL Ch9
16 3/15 Fourier series review; Frequency response Slides 16 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 3.2–3 Project v4, Dataset
Project Proposal Guide
Example Proposal
HW8 (due 3/22)
17 3/17 Fourier transform Slides 17 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 4.1–2, 3.4
18 3/22 Sinc, rect, and properties Slides 18 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 4.2–3 HW9 (due 3/29)
3/24 Wellness day
19 3/29 Convolution and multiplication Slides 19 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 4.4–5 HW10 (due 4/5)
20 3/31 DTFT Slides 20 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 5.1-3
21 4/5 Properties of DTFT Slides 21 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 5.4-6 HW11 (due 4/12)
22 4/7 DFT; Relations among CTFT, DTFT, DFT Slides 22 Zoom,
4:30 pm Johnson 5.7-9
23 4/5 Sampling theorem, Nyquist frequency Slides 23 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 7.1-3
24 4/14 Midterm 2 (exam paper) Zoom 4:30 pm HW12 (due 4/23)
25 4/19 Bilateral Laplace transform, pole-zero plots, ROC Slides 25-26 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 9.1-3
26 4/21 CT LTI system characterization, connections to freq. response Zoom 4:30 pm OW 9.4, 7, 8
27 4/26 Z-transform, pole-zero plots, ROC Slides 27-28 Zoom 4:30 pm OW 10.1-2
28 4/28 DT LTI system characterization, connections to freq. response Zoom 4:30 pm OW 10.4-5